Physical light is the manifestation on our plane
and the reflected radiance of the Divine Light. SD1 259.
All vibration, it must be remembered, travels
along waves of living substance. TCF 644.
The faster the diffusion of light takes place
the more rapid is the absorption of the same by the Master and the greater the increase in the number of vibrations of the
wave which is represented by the basic principle of life – Divine Love. TT2 114. Hilarion.
Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial
foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations,
or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. Inf1 66.
The Primary Matter itself—Materia Matrix—does
not penetrate to the earthly sphere because of the whirling of the infected lower layers. AY 144.
Magnum. The principle of life = divine love/light > Cosmic Reason is diffused throughout all planes and elements. Materia Matrix > Materia Lucida
Diffusion of Light = Ray II the light bringer.
Light of the Monad/Triad. Buddhic Light of love/reason and wisdom. Light of the Soul/mind. Astral light/love. Light of the
etheric/physical plane. Akasha on the seven planes. Akasha (the second aspect of Brahma).
1st sub plane Cosmic Physical Plane. Cosmic Atom.
Materia Matrix
2nd systemic Adi atomic sub plane vibrations =
per second.
2nd sub plane
2nd Monadic Atomic sub plane vibrations = 20,273,467,519,804,656,970,750,276,266,122,295,900,000,000
per second.
3rd sub plane
2nd Atmic Atomic sub plane vibrations = 4,238,678,427,521,620,351,449,126,320,100,000,000
per second.
4th sub plane
2nd Buddhic Atomic sub plane vibrations = 886,293,811,965,250,109,592,900,000,000
per second.
5th sub plane
2nd Mental Atomic sub plane vibrations =
185,302,018,885,184,100,000,000 per second.
6th sub plane Materia Lucida. Plane VI.
or astral. Astral Light
of the Akasha
2nd Astral atomic sub plane vibrations =
38,742,048,900,000,000 per second.
7th sub plane
2nd Ether=
c 299,792,458 meters per second /Frequency 8,100,000,000 per second = wavelength 0.037011414567901234567901234567901meters
per second. Wave speed = wavelength x frequency = 299,792,458 meters per second. JPC.
Anything that produces a change of vibration will
have its corresponding effect according to the mathematical enumeration of the different rates or degrees of vibration. Hilarion.
Note: all frequencies of vibration calculated
per J.W. Keely and HPB. Secret Doctrine.
Materia Lucida is the degree of the Primary Matter
on the astral plane, and it is still attainable for investigation, but of course having its own degrees or gradations. Materia
Matrix is beyond the astral plane, and is an equivalent of Mulaprakriti, Akasha,
Primary Substance - the subtlest, super-sensous, ethereal substance, which fills the whole of space - the Mysterium Magnum
of the alchemists. LHR1 447.
Secret Doctrine: “The Hindus call it Mulaprakriti,
and say that it is the primordial Substance, which is the basis of the Upadhi or Vehicle of every phenomenon, whether physical,
psychic or mental. It is the source from which Akasha radiates." LHR1 488.
Imagine the Space containing Prana and Akasha. It is not the "Creator" nor the "Great Builder," it is Infinity! Inf1 16.
known as the 'sea of fire,' of which akasha is
the first differentiation of pregenetic matter. Akasha, in manifestation, expresses itself as Fohat, or divine Energy, and
Fohat on the different planes is known as aether, air, fire, water, electricity, ether, prana and similar terms.
Akasha. Definition (S. D., II,538)
* It is the synthesis of ether (S. D., I, 353,
* It is the essence of ether (S. D., I, 366)
* It is primordial ether (S D., I, 585)
* It is the third Logos in manifestation (S D.,
I, 377) TCF 44.
Besides Fohat the earthly surface is reached by
the outflow of radiant matter, Materia Lucida..
The types of the light of Fohat are like precious crystals. Nurturing the psychic energy, Fohat paves the way to the far-off worlds.
Whereas Materia Lucida weaves the strengthening of the consciousness.
One strengthens, the other forces one into the depthless pit of perfectment. These are the wonderful gifts of Great Aum! AGNI YOGA 1929 Paragraph 144.
Materia Lucida, which is the substance of the
forms of the higher spirits, is entirely visible to the person whose centers are open. This matter, Materia Lucida, although
most subtle, is not invisible. It is a luminous substance, a matter which radiates with colors ranging beyond those known
to our physical plane. LHR1 373.
03 February 2008